Machine Safety
Keep your workers safe while ensuring machine uptime.
Ensure Gapless Safety for People and Machines
Manufacturing work environments can often be harsh or even unsafe if the proper steps aren't taken to avoid injury or damage to a machine. Fast-moving robotic cells, gantry systems, and other automated processes are increasingly taking over the factory floor, causing the need for specific safety measures. Machine guarding, safety sensors, light curtains, e-stops, and more are used in virtually every automated manufacturing process to ensure safety for everyone involved and meet strict OSHA standards.

Safety Devices
Check out the different type of safety solutions we offer.

Machine Guarding
Structural machine guarding separates your personnel from dangerous systems like high speed pick-and-place robotics cells.
Manufacturer: 80/20, SATech, Swivellink

Safety Radar Systems
Created by Leuze, the world's first 3D radar system is used for monitoring hazardous areas in harsh industrial environments.
Manufacturer: Leuze

Safety Controls and Relays
Safety relays implement safety functions including slowing machine movement, monitoring position, and emergency stops.
Manufacturer: Phoenix Contact, Schmersal, Leuze

Safety Proximity Sensors
Electronic and magnetic safety sensors check the status or position of a moving object, door, or hatch to ensure safe access for an employee.
Manufacturer: Schmersal

Safety Switches
Safety switches protect workers from electric shock by turning off the electricity within milliseconds of detecting a current leak.
Manufacturer: Schmersal

Safety Locks
Safety switches with locking devices lock doors, preventing unauthorized access into sensitive or dangerous areas.
Manufacturer: Schmersal

Stack Lights
Reliably monitor the status of machines and systems from great distances and at any time with wireless stack light towers, signal beacons, and more.
Manufacturer: Balluff