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Ensure cabinet confidence with our comprehensive selection of cabinet interface solutions, cordsets, IO-systems, networking, and much more.

Machine Safety
Keep your employees and machines safe with safety technology like optoelectronic sensors designed for industrial environments.

Machine Vision
Traceability, quality inspection, optical character recognition, and robotic guidance can be solved with powerful industrial machine vision and software.

From motion controllers and motors to conveyors and electro-mechanical solutions, NEFF provides a complete offering of industrial motion solutions.

NEFF offers industry-leading pneumatic technology and support, including air valves, vacuum, actuators, air preparation, and more.

Automate dirty, dangerous, or dull processes like machine tending, welding, and palletizing with traditional industrial and collaborative robots.

High-quality and precise sensors designed for object detection and to withstand industrial and even extreme environments.

T-slot aluminum profiles provide excellent strength, durability, and safety for any structural or automation project you can imagine.