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Available in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Mobile Industrial Robots
Increase efficiency and safety in your operations by implementing user-friendly, flexible. and safe autonomous mobile robots. MiR is a leading manufacturer of collaborative mobile robots and dedicated to developing user-friendly, flexible, and safe robots to help companies increase the efficiency of their operations. MiR autonomous robots are a new generation of advanced mobile robots which give nearly any business of any size a rapid return on investment, often with a payback period of less than a year. AMR's (autonomous mobile robot) are cost-effective, safe, and flexible to deploy. They are making automation easier than ever to help improve competitiveness and employee safety.

MiR Top Modules
MiR top modules can be can be mounted to the top of the AMRs to create a complete solution.

MiR Hook
A user-friendly and efficient top module, the MiR Hook is designed to pick up and tow carts in production, logistics, and medical environments.

MiR Shelf Carrier
MiR Shelf Carriers allow the autonomous mobile robots to collect and deliver shelves in your facility, allowing for safe internal logistics.

MiR Shelf Lift
MiR Shelf Lifts can pick up and transport heavy shelves with the MiR600 and MiR1350 models, designed for lifting up to 1000 kg.

MiR Pallet Lift
Pick up and deliver pallets of varying sizes and weights with MiR Pallet Lifts. Transport pallets of up to 1250 kg autonomously.
Mobile Industrial Robots
Offered in 4 different robots, MiR’s lineup of mobile robots is stacked with solutions to a wide variety of applications.

Small footprint and height robot
Featuring a small form factor, the MiR250 is a highly flexible AMR with easy serviceability and a fast battery swap that is designed for adaptability in dynamic logistics operations.
Payload: 250 kg / 552 lbs
Run Time: 13 hours
Dimensions: 800 mm x 580 mm
Max Speed: 2.0 mps / 4.47 mph

Heavy loads and pallet transportation
The MiR600 is compliant with the highest safety standards for AMRs (ISO3691-4), operates at high stability and reliability with high payloads, and offers improved resistance to dust and fluids (IP52 rating).
Payload: 600 kg / 1323 lbs
Run Time: 10.45 hours
Dimensions: 1350 mm x 920 mm
Max Speed: 2.0 mps / 4.47 mph

The most powerful MiR AMR
Like the MiR600, the MiR1350 meets ISO3691-4 safety standards and has a IP52 rating. The MiR1350 maximizes the efficiency of your logistics with the highest payload available from MiR.
Payload: 1350 kg / 2976 lbs
Run Time: 9.75 hours
Dimensions: 1350 mm x 910 mm
Max Speed: 1.2 mps / 2.68 mph

MiR1200 Pallet Jack
Smarter moves, faster results
The MiR1200 Pallet Jack dominates pallet handling tasks with its AI-based perception, high battery capacity, and ISO 3691-4 compliance - making it a perfect fit for warehouse operations and core production processes.
Payload: 1200 kg / 2646 lbs
Run Time: 8 hours
Max Speed: 1.5 mps / 3.4 mph
*Currently only available for EU pallets